Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 12, 2011

Acne Freedom in 72 Hours _ Discover the secrets to combatting acne -- including the 72 hour miracle

Last week, Jenny was the sort of girl that men didn't want to date.

This week, they're literally DROOLING over her. And honestly? That probably includes me!

Because this time last week, my good friend Jenny was suffering from serious, long-term acne. Her confidence had fallen to an all-time low. She didn't feel like a true woman. She was being held back by dry, flaking, peeling skin.

This week, her acne has disappeared. She's enjoying a silky-smooth complexion with radiant, glowing skin. And her confidence has absolutely rocketed!

I mean - seriously - she's getting a LOT of very positive attention!

Why? Because, she told me, she'd just bought a guide to curing acne - which included a special 72-hour process GUARANTEED to leave your skin feeling wonderful in JUST THREE DAYS.
She followed the simple instructions. And they WORKED.

I couldn't believe the difference. I was, and still am, absolutely amazed.

And that's why I had to write to you this week with this special website recommendation.

If YOU suffer from acne and are looking for a cure, then I urge you to discover this brand new guide. It's called "Acne Freedom in 72 Hours" and you can find it online at:
"Acne Freedom in 72 Hours" guide

It comes with a total money-back guarantee, so it's absolutely no-risk to try it out.

Downloadable version, payment via PayPal

I've personally seen it work wonders. Check the site - I think you'll be pretty impressed too!


Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 12, 2011

Stop Smoking in 28 Days _ Discover how to kick the habit in under a month, with Melvin G. Power!

Hi (Name),

I must admit, one month ago, I had a naughty habit.

It’s true.

I was a smoker.

Now, all smokers know that smoking isn’t a nice habit. It’s ENJOYABLE and it’s ADDICTIVE. But if we could achieve that level of relaxation doing anything else, I’m pretty sure we would.

Come on, who wants to smell like a chimney all day long?

This month, I feel exhilarated. After years of trying to stop, I finally managed to quit the habit in just over three short weeks.

I feel youthful and clean again, my mouth feels fresh, my sense of taste and smell are starting to come alive. And my wife is happier kissing me, and my children are happier that I’ll live another 10 or 20 years!

Yes. NOT smoking feels fantastic!

But I could only have done this with the help of one person. My good friend, Melvin Powers, who recently wrote: “Stop Smoking in 28 Days... Or Less!”

Melvin sent me a copy of his guide when I told him about my “addiction”.

He’s not the sort of guy that will tell you how BAD you are for smoking. He’s a methodical guy and explains it all in pure English. He agrees – stopping smoking SUCKS. In fact, that’s his Web address:
Stop Smoking in 28 Days or Less!

Mevlin can teach you the EXACT methods you need to quit smoking – without the pain, withdrawal symptoms and evil cravings usually associated with the process.

Plus he backs it all up with a 100% money-back guarantee too.

So, ever considered kicking the habit?

Do it in style, with Melvin Powers. Click on this link to download his new guide:
Downloadable version, $24.95, payment via PayPal

To your good health,


Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2011

Sleep Deprivation CD _ Cure insomnia and end sleep deprivation with this revolutionary new CD!


If you sleep like a baby all night, every night then I’m sorry, but this message is NOT for you!

But if, like me you have ever suffered from insomnia or any other form of sleep deprivation, then I know what you’d give for a good night’s sleep…

** Just about anything, right? **

The endless hours staring at your bedroom ceiling … the thoughts and worries that play full volume in your head and just won’t leave you alone … shuffling aimlessly around the house waiting for sleep to come … trying to cope the next day when everyone else is wide awake and refreshed …

Only to return to bed, exhausted, and STILL not get a good night’s sleep.

Chronic insomnia or persistent sleep deprivation really is a waking nightmare. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

I’ve spent fortunes trying various ‘cures’ over the years.

Nothing ever worked.

Until I got chatting to self-help author and guru Bradley Thompson and found out that he too used to suffer from insomnia.

What’s more, he claimed to have found a cure and to be sleeping the sleep of the just ever since. And he found it by accident!

He told me about his remarkable discovery. This cure is based on a radical new use of a fairly old technology, discovered by a German research scientist way back in 1839. I must admit, if it hadn’t been for his credentials, I would have thought the guy was NUTS for thinking that this could apply to insomnia.

“Yeah, right!” I thought.

Still, I agreed to try it. Like I said, I would have tried anything.

You know what? IT WORKED! And, much to my delight and surprise it has WORKED EVERY NIGHT EVER SINCE!

If you’re a sufferer, you should be dancing on the table right now, because THIS IS THE REAL DEAL – a permanent cure for your sleepless nights. 

CD version, $34.95, purchase via PayPal

It is 100% safe, 100% effective, does not involve taking drugs and – this is the bit I like! – requires absolutely *NO* effort on your behalf at all.

I’ve got my life back! I’d love to think I can help someone else get theirs back too. Check out Bradley’s site here:
Sleep Deprivation CD

Sweet dreams!

Property Crash Profits _ Claim free houses from all over the UK - with this secret method!

Dear Friend,

Would you like a FREE house?

Sounds a crazy question. But it's not.

There's a secret loophole in the property market RIGHT NOW that will allow you to claim FREE houses anywhere in the UK - just by exploiting a little-known trick.

Even if you know nothing about property, just follow these simple rules - and cash in each time!

It all revolves around the current economic downturn - and a little trick we've found for tapping into the 0.1% of homes that fit this sneaky little technique.

This loophole allows you to "claim" them - with absolutely no money down.

It. Is. Amazing.

Check it out online and discover how to cash in for yourself:

Property Crash Profits

You will NOT be disappointed.

Property Crash Secrets £37

Best wishes,


Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 12, 2011

NHS Secrets guide _ Uncover the secrets of enjoy private healthcare, on the NHS!

Dear Friend, 
It's no secret: The NHS is a MESS.

Superbugs. Unproven treatments. Drugged-up doctors.

And that oh-so-familiar "We're-doing-YOU-a-favour!" attitude found in hospitals everywhere.

It's so bad that in a recent European healthcare league, the UK came in at 17th place overall. After Estonia and the Czech Republic.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Can you imagine if you knew the SECRETS to enjoying premium, private-style healthcare - all for FREE, on the NHS?

I'm talking about TINY waiting lists. Immediate GP appointments. Guaranteed treatments at the BEST hospitals. FREE dentistry, eye tests, cosmetic surgery. And MORE.

Sound interesting?

Well, in his brand new exposé of the NHS, author Mel McIntyre has created a site showing YOU how to take advantage of what you're already paying for:
NHS Secrets guide

Discover the secrets you MUST know - and how you and your family can beat the system, TODAY.

Check it out. Highly recommended, and it might just save your life.
Download version $27.00

Best wishes,

UK School Secrets _ Discover the loopholes for getting your child the best education possible!

Dear Parent,

Let me ask you a question.

Would you like to GUARANTEE that your child receives the BEST POSSIBLE EDUCATION?

Everybody wants the best for their children.

But a small group of parents in the UK are enjoying an "unfair advantage" over the schooling system - by exploiting some of the loopholes and RIGHTS that MOST parents don't even realize they have!

Get your child into the BEST SCHOOL, even if it's oversubscribed. GUARANTEE they receive the best possible teaching. Discover the "DIRTY TRICKS" other parents use, and how you can beat them at their own game.

Learn about the "SECRET" information schools hold on your children, and how to access it. Uncover the best way to crush bullying before it even develops -- all this and MUCH MORE.

UK School Secrets is the ULTIMATE guide for getting your child the BEST education possible.

And, best of all, you can download your copy *today* just by clicking on this website link:

UK School Secrets

If you want to give your child an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in life, you MUST check out this site.

Click the link. You'll love it. I promise.

Regular £14.95 version, payment via PayPal

The OTIS software _ Special software package saves over 90% on international calls from the UK


Look, before I go any further, let me tell you ---

I’m as FED UP of being called by telephone companies as YOU are!

All telling me that they’re better than BT, better than each other, blah, blah, blah.

I don’t care, right? I’m not going to go through the hassle of changing my phone provider just to save 1p a minute on calls.

But there’s ONE provider I’m GLAD I listened to. Their service is just SO CHEAP I would be NUTS not to use it. And the great thing is that I can use my existing provider to make those calls.

Just read this ---

I can call my Mum in the States, on her mobile, from here in the UK and pay *just 4p per minute*! That’s over *10 times cheaper* than BT.

Yeah, I know! And I don’t need to sign a contract or plug any plastic crap into my phone socket. I just call her from my regular BT landline and speak to her as long as I want.

They’ve got FANTASTIC rates to call anywhere in the world, so save yourself a fortune and sign up now:
The OTIS software

Downloadable version, via PayPal 

